Sunday, July 24, 2011

We are having a sweet little girl!!!!!

Time finally came to find out the gender of our little baby.  I have anxiously been waiting and this whole time, I had a feeling we were having a little boy.  My parents flew out here to be with me on the very special ultrasound.  It was so great to have them here and for them to see their little grandbaby. 

My appointment was on July 8th in the morning and I absolutely love Sherri, the ultrasound lady.  She explained everything and checked out our baby to make sure everything checked out good.  She made us wait until the end to find out and then we had to guess. Finally, she pushed around on my tummy to get the baby in position to find out.  The baby is in position and I was guessing a girl, but Sherri wasn't saying anything.  Finally, the words came out of her mouth.."you are's a girl."  She wanted to be sure so she was looking at all angles.  I think I was in shock because ultimately that is what we wanted, but would have been super escatic either way.  So I get my sweet baby girl and I cannot wait to meet her.  She is very healthy and weighed in at 12 oz with a heartbeat of 143.  At the appointment, I was exactly 20 weeks and 3 days.

This is the best profile picture of Little Miss Ava, still working on her middle name.  Most of the appointment, she kept her hands by her face so it was hard to get a good profile.  She is already stubborn like her mama and daddy.


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